An unexpected and intriguing find today, Sonification of data produced by TwoTone.
From their description:
“Data - Turning data into sound has advantages. Just like in the cinema, sound adds another layer to understanding. Sound does not require you to look at a screen. You could be anywhere in a room and hear the differences in the output. It can be used by itself or as a complement to visual systems. The representation of the data is as “true” as a visual rendering and any anomalies can be heard, identified and acted upon. It also has potential uses for people who are visually impaired.”
In this example, I uploaded three days of data from a particulate matter sensor located in a large ballroom, both peak and average values. I then filtered the peak value track by a threshold value of the average track. Two different instruments play at the same tempo but the piano is only heard when the peak values exceed an average value of 160.